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File List | 1995-05-16 | 4.4 KB | 84 lines |
- QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM, July 1995. Walnut Creek CDROM.
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- MacIntosh ham software
- path: \files\mac\
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- 00RENAME.966 ISO 9660 Files Renamed
- ANTRDPLT.HQX Basic programme plots vertical radiation patterns
- BCAST.HQX Packet program for use with PACSATs.
- CODEMSTR.HQX CodeMaster 2.34 - morse code and ham theory test
- CONDUPER.HQX Checks your contest log for duplicate entries.
- CWCHART.HQX Copied from Usenet - a morse code (CW) tree chart.
- DXCC_DA.HQX DA which lists all the DXCC countries in order of callsign.
- EZ_DOVE.HQX Appl and Basic source, decodes Dove telemetry data.de N5KOB.
- GRID_SEA.HQX Converts longitude/latitude to grid QTH
- HFPCKTRN.HQX Tutoral on HF packet radio - interesting
- HAM_ART.HQX Assorted ham related artwork. ARRL and AR TIFF logo, IC-735
- ICOM2MAC.HQX Info for Mac & ICOM owners looking for software to link'em
- IMACZSEA.HQX SMTP mailer for use with NET/MAC.
- KISS_TLM.HQX For decoding KISS data from MICROSATs.
- MACTEST.HQX The ultimate contest logging program for the Macintosh
- MACFAX2.HQX Will allow you to receive WEFAX pictures in your PK-232.
- MORSEMAN.HQX Another program to learn morse code
- MORSFONT.HQX Fonts for Morse Code training Program
- MORSTRAN.HQX Morse Code training Program
- MACMODEM.HQX Modem program for Mac
- MININEC.HQX For analyzing antenna disgins,including dipoles, beams, etc.
- MORSE_DA.HQX A program to learn Morse code.
- MORSEV13.HQX Morse tutor up to 25wpm, very good.
- MAC_SWL.HQX Shortwave propagation predictor.
- MACSPOC.HQX MacSPOC, flew aboard the Space Shuttle
- NETMACK.HQX A complete starters kit for the Mac TCP/IP
- NETMACS.HQX Doc data for Net/Mac
- NETMACI.HQX Icon for Net/Mac
- ORBTRCKS.HQX Tracking sats you need this.
- PKTUTOR.HQX Introduction to packet radio - Parts 1 thr 18
- PKTRACKR.HQX PacketTracker ver 1.04 - monitors packet activity
- PROJ_A1.HQX ARRL's Project Mac software - part A1
- PROJ_A2.HQX ARRL's Project Mac software - part A2
- PROJ_B1.HQX ARRL's Project Mac software - part B1
- PROJ_B2.HQX ARRL's Project Mac software - part B2
- RADFAX09.HQX WEFAX programme that uses the mic input on new Mac.
- SAVANT.HQX AX25 packet terminal programme that will work with baycom
- SUNTIMER.HQX contest/dx program. Shows Grayline distance, bearing, DXCC
- STUFFEX.HQX Expands stuff'ed files
- TALKTRM.HQX For use with DX clusters. spots as they arrive
- WORLDRAD.HQX Radio control programme for Kenwood radios
- WRLDCLCK.HQX World Clock
- ZTERMSEA.HQX Comms Terminal programme for the Mac.
- ADV_HC.HQX HC stack - Ham advanced test.
- BINHEX.BIN Famous BinHex Program
- CHESS_HC.HQX HyperCard stack - play chess via packet radio.
- DX_MAP.HQX Shows grayline in real time,
- EXTRA_HC.HQX HC stack - Ham extra test.
- FRQVALET.HQX Provides frequencies and DX program info for swl listeners.
- GEN_HC.HQX HC stack - Ham general test.
- GREYLINE.HQX HC Shows world grayline in real time.
- HCFT747.HQX HyperCard to control your FT-747 via the RS232
- HCFT990.HQX HyperCard to control your FT-990 via the RS232
- MAC525.HQX HyperCard to controll the JCR525 radio via RS232
- MAC535.HQX HyperCard to controll the JCR535 radio via RS232
- NOV_HC.HQX HC Stack - Novice ham test.
- SSB_TEST.HQX Record your own voice, using MacRecorder for CQ, QRZ, etc.
- TECH_HC.HQX HC stack - Ham tech test.
- TRANLINE.HQX Stack for Transmission lines, giving attenuation, SWR, etc
- VARILOGS.HQX Various Logging Programs
- KQI_CTL.HQX Stack to control a Kenwood TS-940S via RS-232
- MNROSTER.HQX Worldwide database of Ham Macintosh users.
- ZIPITSEA.HQX Will allow ZIP or PKZIP files between Macs and PCs.
- DSKA_10.HQX Texas Instruments Starter Kit
- COMPRO.HQX Compact Pro compression/decompression
- COMPRO1.HQX Compact Pro Package
- CPEXPND.HQX Decompress Compact Pro files
- STUFITSE.HQX Stuffit compression/decompression
- UNSTUFF.HQX Unstuffit Deluxe compression/decompress
- DISINF.HQX Disinfectant virus protection program
- MVT7100.HQX MVT-7100 reference card in PM 4.2 fmt
- CPT2SIT.HQX Converts Compact Pro to StuffIt format
- CPGUIDE.HQX How to use Compact Pro
- SOFTKISS.HQX Control panel device - emulates KISS
- SOFTKISS.TXT Softkiss Notes
- SFTKISRC.HQX Source code for Softkiss